Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Environmental Influence

דרך ברייתו של אדם להיות נמשך בדעותיו ובמעשיו אחר ריעיו וחביריו ונוהג כמנהג אנשי מדינתו לפיכך צריך אדם להתחבר לצדיקים ולישב אצל החכמים תמיד כדי שילמוד ממעשיהם ויתרחק מן הרשעים ההולכים בחשך כדי שלא ילמוד ממעשיהם

The Rambam famously states (Hilchos Deos 6:1) that a fundamental aspect of human nature is to be drawn after the mores and behaviors of the prevailing culture. As such, one must exercise extreme care and thought when choosing an environment to reside in, for it is a critical element in influencing his values and lifestyle. Therefore, choosing to reside among righteous and wise individuals will aid one in his pursuit of all that is worthy and good, and distancing himself from those that are evil will help him avoid the pitfalls that come from such an environment.

Consider the following:

A. Noach among the people of his entire generation.

B. Avraham Avinu among the people of Ur Kasdim

C. Yosef HaTzadik among the people of Mitzrayim

D. Moshe Rabbeinu among the people of the house of Pharaoh

Question to ponder:

At which point - if ever - does the environment one finds himself in cease to exist as a magnetic force, ever attracting and ever goading an individual to conform to its behaviors, only to then transform into a repelling force, guiding the individual away from the prevailing norms and strengthening one's opposing convictions ever more?


  1. It is interesting that Moshe was raised as a Prince so that he ma be comfortable in a position of leadership.... So you are right, Moshe had to begin there, but ultimately needed to be on his own. See the post below about being a shepherd that addresses one aspect of leaders being alone and separate from society.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Perhaps the Rambam would not apply in the cases mentioned. Notice the Rambam's wording: "choosing". Meaning, when a person has the opportunity to choose, he should indeed look for a more appropriate environment. In the above cases, all were put in that specific life setting without a choice. Perhaps the question would be more relevant with Yeshiva Shem V'Eiver regarding the Avos.

  4. How does the Kiruv and outreach movement deal with this Rambam? Ais Laasos?


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