Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sipur YM - Kol haMarbeh Lisaper, Afilu Kulanu Chachomim

Afilu Kulanu Chahamim, Kulana Nivonim, Mitzvah aleinu lisaper beYM...

Even if we were all great scholars and wise men, we would still be obligated to discuss the Exodus from Egypt.

The more we discuss, the more praiseworthy....

Just as Hashem as no limits, there are also no limits to understanding and believing in Hashem...

Emunah has no limits...

We can believe in Hashem on many levels. In many different ways.

With our minds.

With our hearts.

With our limbs.

On many levels within each of the aforementioned aspects of ourselves.

The purpose of telling over the story of YM is to strengthen our Emunah.

There is no limit to telling and retelling.

On many different levels.

Utilizing our minds.

Utilizing our hearts.

Utilizing our limbs.

Regardless of how wise and smart we are.

Regardless of previous knowledge and understanding.

There is always more.

We can know and believe in Hashem on so many levels.

Every year, every Pesach, a higher level than the year before.

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